
While scientific inquiry, statistics and data heavily impact understanding of crises on both an individual and institutional level, we ask, what we think is a pertinent questions in times of a global crisis like COVID-19: “what is the weight that ethics, empathy and concepts from the humanities carry in a seemingly quantified ‘rational’ world?”

Therefore, to discuss the need and way toward humanising STEM, we held a series of talks with exemplary Indian academics from the fields of science and humanities.

Humanising Research

In this conversation with Prof. Bittu Rajaraman, Prof. Asmita Kabra, and Prof. Aditi Saraf  we discuss the weight of lived experiences in research, what constitutes ‘valid proof’, and together unpack the binary of ‘objective’ and ‘subjective’ analysis–all in the context of exploitation against vulnerable communities such as gender & ethnic minorities.

The discussion was moderated by Kartikeya Bhatotia, a public policy and development economics researcher.

Humanising Development

In this conversation, Harsh Mander in conversation with Shivangi Bhasin, shared his views on development, xenophobic policies, his activism, and work to redefine development with ethics & empathy at its core.

Humanising Economic Policy

A conversation with Prof. Aseem Shrivastava and Prof. Mihir Shah wherein they reflected on the fundamental lessons our economic policy must draw from the COVID-19 pandemic. Through this discussion, concepts such as individualism, modernity, competition, globalisation, and ecology in the era of humanism were unpacked.

The discussion was moderated by Aryaman Jain, an environmental engineer and independent researcher who works with people's collectives.

Copyrights 2021.